Created by Japanese designer Takeshi Nii, the original Nychair X has been sold across the globe for over 40 years.
The Nychair X concept is rooted in Japanese-style living environments - its low-seating design is inspired by traditional tatami mat seating. The chair boasts a simple, beautiful, functional, and exceedingly comfortable design - great for any location.
Received the Good Design Award (sponsored by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion)
The Nychair X 80 was born 10 years after the launch of the original Nychair X. It was developed to respond to the changing times and lifestyle that wanted a higher seat height than the original NychairX.
Nychair X 80 has a seat height that makes it easier to stand up and sit than the original Nychair X. It is also suitable as a lounge chair with its raised backrest. In comparison, Nychair X and Nychair X Rocking have a deep-angled seat and a high backrest that allows you to rest your head on the chair. Both models are ideal for watching TV, listening to music, or relaxing.
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